Glass Women Shatter

Category: Stories

Chase perfection. Get up close to it. Touch the hem of it’s garment. Then freeze.

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New Book Release! The Lone Star Child by Winnifred Tataw

Category: Blog

Author Winnifred Tataw has released the third installment of her multi-book series The Gods’ Scion. The new novel, entitled The Lone Star Child is a riveting Young Adult sci-fi fantasy read. It’s a story about betrayal and revenge. It’s about magic, outer space, and monsters. Basically, it’s a must-read. As a military child Winnifred Tataw […]

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Blessed Bloodline

Category: Stories

The women in my family have always faced struggle. It was a birthright, after all.  We were pretty women, but we were worked into the ground. My own sweat scorched my brow.  I had my back ripped open like it was made that way. I had to carry the world like a mule; carry my man, […]

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I Did a Talk for Eternal Remedy!

Category: News

The journal that I work with, Eternal Remedy, featured me on their Instagram talking about the illusion of the truth. Really interesting stuff, if I do say so myself. I’m basically discussing the language of “my truth” and why it’s important to listen to other people talking about their experience. Watch it below! The Truth […]

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I was Interviewed!

Category: News

News from November 11, 2019 Victoria McCombs of Books & Coffee & Writing recently interviewed me about my writing, my process, my upcoming project and ways I deal with writer’s block. This has been one of my favorite interviews to date. I loved her questions. So enjoyable. Click below to read :-D. Writer Interview with […]

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I Was Spotlighted By a Blog!

Category: News

News from August 6, 2019 The Writer’s Alley was kind enough to focus on me for their writer’s corner of the week. I’m so honored! Click below to read about my therapist-turned-writer roots and see how very excited I am in my headshot. Lol. Writer Spotlight with Candice Lola!

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My Work Was on a Syllabus!

Category: News

🙂 I did a project for my human rights class. It was visual “tour” of the school to prison pipeline. My professor thought that it would be perfect for a conference that was coming up at The New School and so he suggested me to a colleague and it happened. I got to teach a […]

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A Devil and A String

Category: Stories

It wasn’t until her 16th birthday that the string sticking out of Monmonn’s wrist began to bother her. It nearly caught fire as she leaned over to blow out the candles on her birthday cake. A careful girl, she showed it to her mother, who told her to keep it safe so that one day […]

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Glass Man

Category: Stories

The man made of glass decided to go home.  He had been traveling for quite some time before he realized that he was lonely and that a hollow pain had begun to radiate from his stomach. He walked with the pain for a long time. But sharp shards seemed to poke him at every bend, […]

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Pose. Posed.

Category: Stories

There is a picture above the bed.  She is a judge, and a ruler, and a cunt.  A witch. She is dressed in a corset that she spills out of. There is no shame in her face. There is only pride. I am a child. I get dressed in the corner so that she cant’ […]

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